
Showing posts from July, 2012

Raddest Dad Ever!

The things Mr.A does to make his daughter happy. I hope one day when our kid is older she looks back at these blogs, our videos and pictures and has a great big laugh. She seriously has one of the raddest dads evah!

Happy 60th Pops!

Happy birthday to the greatest dad ever! Words cannot express how much this man means to me. Saying I love him doesn't even come close to how I feel. He helped me become the woman I am today. Although I didn't quite understand when I was younger and swore if I ever had kids I wouldn't do this or that, I find myself doing the same thing. It all makes sense now and I am totally grateful for the way he raised me. Gracias papi por enseñarme a decir gracias y por favor, por enseñarme a apreciar las cosas, por siempre estar a mi lado y sober todo apoyarme. Te agradesco todo y estoy muy orguyosa por tener un papa como tu. I love you papi!