
Showing posts from January, 2014


Sam getting her hair done by the amazing Amanda. Sami and her faces. This is actually after her second cut. She originally didn't want to cut it so we trimmed it. When Amanda was done Sami started complaining saying it she wanted it like Coraline. Amanda having to cut it, AGAIN. This is when Sami finally was asking for the Coraline cut. Coraline #2 Coraline, we owe you! Most people who know me know that I am not a fan of long hair. I don't like it all. Not saying girls with long hair don't look nice, some girls have gorgeous long locks but they're not for me. I think it has to do with the fact that when I was a kid my pop's refused to let me cut my hair. I use to cry and cry and my dad wouldn't budge. I remember for my second grade pictures I tucked my hair inside my dress and kind of pulled it out a little bit to give the impression I had short hair. I loved those pictures. One day, I think my mom either felt sorry for me or

Soloist On The Solo List

El Tepeyac Cafe-Boyle Heights Some people freak out when I tell them I love going to restaurants alone. They think it's weird and can't imagine doing it. I find it to be the most relaxing experience ever. I can sit down, enjoy my meal and play with my phone if I choose to. If you've never done this I totally suggest you try it. One thing I've never done alone is go catch a movie. That is definitely on my to do list.