
Showing posts from December, 2012

Christmas Traditions

We bought this ornament for our Compadre. It was the year he moved back to Mexico. 2011 This little snowman is Sami's ornament this year. It represents her starting school. 2012 This ornament is also Sami. This represented all the places she's traveled (so far). 2010 This guy is one of my favorite. This ornament is Mr. Andrade. It represents him taking off to Dubai to build the world's largest water fountain. 2009 I guess this would be considered a family ornament. We bought this in Dubai. 2009 This of course is my ornament. One of my personal faves. I love The Beatles and Christmas what perfect way to commemorate both. 2008 Our Hawaii family ornament. It was our first trip as a family to Oahu. Can't wait to go again. 2011  I know yesterday I talked about my Christmas carol s tradition and how I love playing them all month long. I have yet, another tradition. What can I say? I love Christmas! I think this might be the...

O' Christmas Tree

We finally got our Christmas tree over the weekend. I didn't think we'd wait this long but then again I can recall many times when my parents got our tree on Christmas Eve. I suppose it isn't too bad. Christmas has become much more exciting for me. I think the reason being is Sami is getting older and getting into the holiday spirit. She's understanding what Christmas is. My sister and I are doing an excellent job of brainwashing her with Christmas carols. I have a personal tradition in which I play nothing but Christmas carols through out the month of December. Literally. Nothing but carols. This year I couldn't wait and started a little earlier than usual. As soon as Thanksgiving was over I began with my caroling. Sometimes I'll tune in to the KOST or my Sirius Holiday Traditions station. I love singing my heart away as I make my way through traffic. Sami now has her own personal favorite carols as well. So far she loves Santa Claus is Coming to Town an...

I love Will Ferrell and John C. Reily

almost as much as I love Christmas. This is one of those few videos that I can watch over and over. It's not one of my favorite Christmas carols but, definitely one of my favorite comedy skits. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Happy holidays!