
Showing posts from February, 2014


This will most likely be framed. I can't remember the last time I went to the store and actually bought a magazine. Sure I skim through all the b.s gossip about the Kardashians while at the check out. I'm always interested to see what those heifers are up to. My dirty little secret I suppose. Not so much secret anymore, right? Today while I was at the check out line at Walgreens I saw this magazine. I instantly ran to it and grabbed it. There was no doubt in my mind I was going to purchase it. I stared and stared at the cover for a few minutes. I was instantly taken back to when I was 14 years old, hanging out on the bleachers in Jr. High. I won't lie, I got a little choked up, as I always do when it comes to Kurt. I love Nirvana. This is my 3rd blog about them so far. I'm still hoping to go to Seattle. When I do go, you'll be the first to know. By the way, when I was getting ready to pay I noticed my total was $26+ bucks. I started questioning the c...

Time for Chores

Sami's hard work.  I should have taken pictures of her making the bed. I totally forgot. Lately I've been thinking of ways to have Sami help me around the house with chores. I know she's young and there's only so much she can do, but I feel now is the time to instill responsibilities into her daily routine. I had already been having her help make her bed. Yesterday, I decided it was time for her to go at it solo. She was pissed to say the least. She was complaining and whining the whole time. I made her try and do the best she can. She finished and it turned out to be a pretty damn good job! I tried to high five her to show appreciation, and maybe encourage her to want to do it again. No such luck. She was still mad and telling me she was going to tell her dad that she was never making her bed again! We'll see about that. 

My Funny Valentine

My perfectly romantic surprise.  See the empty spot? That was Sami.  Some better lighting.  Woohoo!! My favorite baggie! Sometimes I forget what an amazing man I have in my life. I whine and complain that he isn't romantic but then he busts out with something like this. I was putting Sami to sleep and I get a text from Mr. Andrade asking where the phone charger was. I reply telling him where it is and he says he's already looked there. I get up, a little annoyed, and see a candle lighting the way to my Valentine's gift. He always manages to trick me somehow. I have no idea how he does it but he does. Anytime he actually goes out shopping for me he always makes me walk to my own gift. It's quite funny, actually. I love my man so very much. I may bitch and complain about him, or to him, but he is truly an amazing person. Thank you for making me feel giddy and special after all these years. You are the best fiancĂ© ever! Happy Valentine's baby...