The Letter
The letter: The inevitable has happened: I have returned to my desk job. I knew it was bound to happen. I pushed it out for as long as I could, but alas I could push no further. My first day back was Monday; however, technically, I was suppose to come back Thursday of last week. I opted to take vacation days Thursday and Friday. I took Tuesday off as well. Can you tell I'm super excited to be back? I will admit that it was nice to see the people I care about. They seemed happy to see me, while at the same time sorry to see me back. Not because they didn't want me back, but I think they kind of felt sorry for me. I had been away from all the bullshit going on in the office, away from all the new changes that have only made it even more unbearable to be at work. I had been safe, and now I'm back. Upon my return I was greeted with some cheers, and the usual negative vibes that are a constant in that office. I didn't expect anything less. That place isn't exactly fu...