And Then I Can Go Home?

Still thinking I was going home. A year ago today, I was in the hospital, pregnant, thinking I was going to get to go home soon. I had been there two days so far, when the picture above was taken. I went in for what was suppose to be a "regular check-up" on the baby and ended up getting admitted. I remember when they told me they were admitting me I asked if I could go home the following day. They always said "Let's just do some tests and we think you should be home by tomorrow." Every doctor that came in asking me questions and giving me the rundown of what was going, I would always ask, "and then I can go home?" Some smiled and made me feel like I might be going home that same day. Others chuckled and said, "We'll see." I think by evening of the second day I realized I wasn't going home. By the time I was finally able to go home I didn't want to leave anymore.