
Showing posts from January, 2017

Women's March: Los Angeles

Today was a beautiful day that I was fortunate enough to be a part of. I got to march with thousands of people who believe in immigrant, women's, and LGBTQ; basically human rights. It was peaceful and magical. Getting to the march in itself was an adventure. The metro was jam packed with protesters heading to DTLA for the protest. I went with my sister and one of her friends. We were trying to leave from the Florence station but every single train was full. Some guy name Daniel, we had just met him, suggested we back track a few stations to try and see if we could find an empty train. We ended up going 2 stations down. We got off on Compton and were finally able to hop on a train. Apparently we weren't the only ones with that bright idea because people inside, and outside the train, people were cheering. It was every exciting. When we finally arrived to DTLA everyone started cheering. Everyone was in great spirits. I loved every minute of it. I marched for various reasons, on...