Easter 2017

This is a simple picture but I love it. It's Emma's second easter but the 1st one she technically participated in. Last year I felt terrible because Sami was pretty much celebrating easter on her own. She was looking for eggs, by herself, and opening up her easter goodies alone. My family doesn't do much for easter anymore since most of the kids aren't really into it. The ones that are seem to go celebrate elsewhere. So, we started celebrating easter at Mr. A's parents house. This year was super cute! Sami got to celebrate with her little sister and her bestie from the MoVal. It was so exciting seeing Emma and Sami geek out over their baskets and watching them hunt for eggs. Emma seemed to grasp the concept of egg hunting pretty quickly. Truth be told we didn't really hide her eggs, we left them in plain sight for her. Sami and her MoVal bestie enjoyed their egg hunt in Mr. A's parents' backyard. They have tons of plants and trees back there s...