
Showing posts from June, 2017

Great Week!

Emma at her check-up Sami excited about her award It was a pretty sweet week. I wrapped up shooting a short-comedy, Sami is on summer break and Emma is officially caught up with her age bracket! This is great news! I mean, everything that happened was pretty sweet but Emma finally being where's she suppose to be is quite amazing. Most of my close family and friends--and people who read my blogs--know that Emma came early. She has been pretty tiny for the most part. The difference was pretty obvious when she was around babies her age. I remember whispering to my mom once when I saw a baby at a family party, "that baby is huge!" The reality of that though is the baby was quite normal for her age, as a matter of fact, I think Sami was bigger than her at that age. I was just so use to having a tiny baby. Emma's baby clothes were always one to two months behind her actual age. For example: Emma was six months, wearing three months. When Emma turned one she b...