
Showing posts from August, 2017

Fake Tios and Tias

My 1st Birthday. Not sure how many of the people in this picture are my actual cousins. Whatever happened to everyone being  your tia and tio? Everyone being your cousin. I remember when I was a kid being amazed at how huge our family was. It got to the point that whenever we went to family parties I just assumed that everyone was my relative. My dad would always be like, "Estes tu tio fulanito..." and then proceed to introduce me to "my cousins." I miss that. I want that. I noticed that I don't do that with my friends. I remember when Sami was younger she would call everyone tia/tio. I thought it was the cutest and sweetest thing ever! Sometimes I corrected her and sometimes I didn't. I wanted so desperately for her to think they were truly her family. Well, not EVERYONE, of course, just my closest friends. Some of them thought it was adorable and some of them were a little weirded out. I think Sami kinda understand nows but she still kind of does it. ...