
Showing posts from August, 2018

Sami's First Solo Outing

Sami's cowgirl attire was on point. Lots of denim and boots. Sami and the birthday girl! Today was the first official day that we let Sami venture off on her own. She was inviting to go horseback riding with one of her friends. For some reason we thought they were going to Griffith Park. Wrong. They were going horseback riding in the city of Norco. At first Mr. A and I were not going to let her go. We felt it was too far and didn't feel comfortable sending her off. Then we agreed she could go if one us of went along with her. Sami ultimately said she didn't want us to go (are we there now?) and just wanted to go with her friend and her family. After speaking with her friend's mom a few times (we had met in person before) I was convinced. The hard part was going to be convincing Mr. A. I knew I'd be getting my ear chewed off but figured I'd take one for the team. Sure enough, I got my ear chewed off but managed to convince Mr. A to let Sami go. Needle...

Emma's Goes to the Movies

All after the movie.  Finally took the big step of taking Emma to the movies. I was a little nervous for the most part, I wasn't sure how'd she'd behave but she did well. We watched Hotel Transylvania 3 and all loved it. We're big fans of those movies. Emma sat through most of it. One of her favorite snacks is popcorn so I knew we had to have to that in order her to distract her. Towards the end of movie is when she felt the need to get out of her seat. I think this had to do with Sami moving around in hers a lot. Luckily there was plenty of room for her to move around, and to be quite honest, I think the teenager I was sitting next to was way more annoying than both of my niñas combined.