
Showing posts from January, 2019

New Year, New You?

New Year, new me. Ehhhhh j/k First off, happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great time ringing it in. It was a very low key one for us this time around. We spent it at the parental units house, with my brother, uncle and cousin. It was nice and chill. We played some board game and ended the night with an intense couple of games of UNO. This year I decided not to do any resolutions. I usually don't anyway but had started up with them a couple of years ago. I don't buy the hype of "new year, new you" bullshit. I feel you don't have to wait for a New Year to make changes in your life that you feel need improvement. If you're about that life, props to you, I'm just not one of them. I had already started making minor changes prior to the New Year anyway. I've been staying off of facebook a lot lately. I'm not anti-facebook, or anything, it's just it was consuming a lot of my time. I was going to bed feeling guilty, about not spending more ...