La Pandemia

We managed to take family pictures last year. I am a couple months shy of having blogged one year ago. I wasn't really feeling it to be quite honest, with the pandemic and all. Even if I was feeling it, there wasn't much to say. I didn't exactly venture out a lot last year. I was home the majority of the time with my family. I wasn't working much in the beginning, and when I finally started working again, it was very sporadic. That being said, I must confess I didn't completely hate 2020. I'm not denying it was a tough year with many obstacles because it was. But it was also a great year in some other aspects. I got to be home with the girls, I got to be with Adele her full first year (and then some), I got to spend time with Mr. A, and we finally got our house! These are things that I'm extremely grateful for. Everything pretty much happened right when we moved in, no joke. We moved in, two weeks later, everything shuts down. I was just happy being in our ...