Oh, Me

I still remember what I was doing when I found out Kurt Cobain died. I was standing in the living room at my then best friend's house listening to KROQ (back then they actually played good music) when they announced Kurt Cobain had been found dead. DEAD! I remember being in utter disbelief! No it couldn't be! I remember falling to my knees crying. Very dramatic I know, but all true. As I type this and relieve the moment, I can feel my eyes beginning to water once again. I never met Kurt Cobain and probably never would have. I never had the honor of seeing Nirvana live, but they were a part of my youth. They were a part of me. I still have my green doc martens that read "Kurt Lives Forever!" I remember writing that on my shoes on the bleachers in 8th grade. I refuse to throw them away. Today one of my dear friends had the honor of going to Kurt's house. The house where he allegedly took his life. The house where he was last seen alive. She of course send me...