
Showing posts from December, 2010

Oh, Me

I still remember what I was doing when I found out Kurt Cobain died. I was standing in the living room at my then best friend's house listening to KROQ (back then they actually played good music) when they announced Kurt Cobain had been found dead. DEAD! I remember being in utter disbelief! No it couldn't be! I remember falling to my knees crying. Very dramatic I know, but all true. As I type this and relieve the moment, I can feel my eyes beginning to water once again. I never met Kurt Cobain and probably never would have. I never had the honor of seeing Nirvana live, but they were a part of my youth. They were a part of me. I still have my green doc martens that read "Kurt Lives Forever!" I remember writing that on my shoes on the bleachers in 8th grade. I refuse to throw them away. Today one of my dear friends had the honor of going to Kurt's house. The house where he allegedly took his life. The house where he was last seen alive. She of course send me...

Little Tike

Looks like somebody loved their Christmas gift.

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Last night I came home to a sleeping Sam on our couch. It was the first time she's done this. She's usually very particular about where she falls asleep and the couch is not on the top of her list. Her babysitter informed me she had refused to go in her crib or anywhere other than her arms. Sam's been under the weather lately and putting her to bed has been a challenge. Seeing this moment after work was just what I needed to end my day on a  pleasant note. I might be a typical mom I suppose but I just love the little scene. It looks like she fell asleep on our couch waiting for Santa to come. Again, its moments like this that I have found my born again love for Christmas. Kids make everything great.

Christmas Lights?

Went to the Citadel on Sunday to try and get some last minute gifts and came across their tree. From what Miguel tells me it suppose to be this amazing tree. You be the judge.

These Are The Days

"Nunca agarres a una mujer como tu mejor amiga. Las mujeres son muy traicioneras y solo te van a lastimar. Agarrate un mejor amigo ellos no te traicionan". Words of wisdom by my mother. She would always tell me this as a kid. It essentially means that I should never have a female best friend, only males. Females will betray and hurt you. For the most part my mother was right. I did have female best friends growing up and yes some betrayed me and some hurt me very much. They pretty much made it almost impossible for me to trust people. Whenever I tell anyone a secret it will usually end with "please don't tell anyone ok? promise?" pretty pathetic I know. I did also have a few best male friends growing up and as my mother predicted, they did not betray me. We grew up and made some amazing memories together. I loved my boys! I credit them for making me the cool chick I am today *patting myself on the back*. One thing my mother didn't tell me was we'd event...

This is what happens...

I had been pretty proud of myself this year being that I managed to finish MOST of my Christmas shopping. I was trying to avoid shopping at malls and outlets at all cost. I usually do all of my shopping online, however this time around was a tad more difficult. I had to shop for Mr.Andrade's gift and if it arrived via UPS/Fed Ex I'm sure he'd open it first! He gets home at 4. I on the other hand don't get home till after 7. Shopping in the rain=good times! I decided to get off of work early and go with Sonia to buy those last minute gifts. We decided our destination would be Old Town Pasadena. We figured it wouldn't be packed since it was cold and drizzling outside (heaven for me) and the stores are outdoors. You know what? We were right! It wasn't packed at all, however we didn't anticipate passing the parking lot 3 times (thank you Sonia for not listening to me OR your GPS system), trying to find parking, our feet hurting from wearing the wrong sho...

Last Christmas

Christmas hasn't always been one of my favorite holidays. I stopped loving Christmas in 1994 the year BOTH of my grandmothers died. It just didn't seem the same without my abuelita Lupe. The family seemed different (for obvious reasons) and my winter blues officially kicked in. Each year around this time I would get the "winter blues" and feel down for what I felt was no apparent reason. I hated it. My feelings for Christmas officially changed last year. I had my daughter and I guess its fair to say we didn't get to celebrate our first official Christmas. We spent Christmas and New Years in Dubai. My guy was overseas working and his company flew the baby and I out there. The experience was amazing but I felt bad for Sammi, being her first Christmas and yet they're being nothing out there. It was like any other day. I was happy our family was together but sad we didn't get a real Christmas. This year I couldn't wait for this time to arrive! I coul...

Here I go again

After being inspired by my friend Jenika and her awesome posts, I've decided to open yet, another blog. I just hope I actually use this one and not log in every 6 months or so. I also hope I have something interesting to say...