These Are The Days
"Nunca agarres a una mujer como tu mejor amiga. Las mujeres son muy traicioneras y solo te van a lastimar. Agarrate un mejor amigo ellos no te traicionan". Words of wisdom by my mother. She would always tell me this as a kid. It essentially means that I should never have a female best friend, only males. Females will betray and hurt you. For the most part my mother was right. I did have female best friends growing up and yes some betrayed me and some hurt me very much. They pretty much made it almost impossible for me to trust people. Whenever I tell anyone a secret it will usually end with "please don't tell anyone ok? promise?" pretty pathetic I know. I did also have a few best male friends growing up and as my mother predicted, they did not betray me. We grew up and made some amazing memories together. I loved my boys! I credit them for making me the cool chick I am today *patting myself on the back*. One thing my mother didn't tell me was we'd eventually grow apart. We still keep in touch but its not the same. I actually discussed this with one of my male friends who was actually my main best friend growing up. I mentioned to him how I know a few people who are still very close with their childhood friends and we on the other hand all went our separate ways (there was a total of 4 of us in the group, I was the only girl). His response was very simple stating that we've all got our own lives now and are doing different things. I wasn't too satisfied with the answer but I had accepted that our friendship wasn't the same many years ago.
Now at my tender age of 30 I find myself surrounded by more females, than males. I wouldn't say it was
odd at first, it was definitely something new and exciting. I had never had "girls night out" or dinner dates, movie nights or just randomness with a group of girls. Sure I had girlfriends but when we hung out it was usually party of 2. It was very rare when it was 3, 4 would be unheard of. We didn't do many chick things. It's hard to explain. All I know is that I love my girlfriends. It's so much fun to be able to gossip and compare stories and well just feel an unspoken bond. We are women here us roar! Ok, ok I'm getting a bit cheesy but you get the point damn it!
Anyhoot for those women out there who only had male friends. Find yourself some good girlfriends. Not all women are evil, there's actually a few of us out there who are true and loyal friends. I still love my boys don't get me wrong, but I also appreciate my girls night out!
true, indeed. any post titled with a 10,000 maniacs song is also a plus. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks I thought so too lol, I'm actually thinking of titling my blogs with either song titles or lyrics..we shall see