
Losing weight has been a challenge for me. I'm not sure what's going on. After I had Sam I've struggled to drop the weight. I've gradually lost weight but I feel like I'm at a plateau now. I remember a couple of years ago I did Weight Watchers and the weight just seemed to come off. Now, two years later I'm doing the same thing but the weight is not falling off quite as rapidly. Maybe its my eating habits or I'm not exercising enough. I don't know. I know when I did Weight Watchers the first time around I was very hardcore about it. I was also working out at least 6 times a week. I will admit this second time around I'm not as hardcore. I suppose that where the problem lies.

I have started running on a weekly basis now. I also still play soccer and am trying to start bike riding again. I'm also starting to be strict with my points. Weekends are still hard for me although, I still manage to stay within my points. On the bright side, I suppose I should be glad I'm gradually losing weight rather than, gradually gaining.


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