Cherish The Day

August cannot come soon enough! Sade is one of my all time favorite female artists, I absolutely love her! I've had the pleasure of seeing her perform live once before. They were the worst seats ever. I didn't care at the time because what mattered was that I was there. The concert was at Irvine Meadows (I forget what they call it now) and had what were suppose to be lawn seats. We didn't even get to sit on the lawn, we had to jump a fence and sit on some hill type area. Either way it was a nice experience and the crowd around us was great. Now 10 years later, it matters. When I heard she was coming to town, I knew then I had to get the best seats I could possibly get my hands on. Luckily, I succeeded. I know some people might think I'm crazy because of the price but, I don't care. It's Sade!! She comes around once every 10 years (given by her touring track record). Now, to make it an even more memorable experience (and TOTAL moneys worth) JOHN LEGEND will be touring with her! He's one of my all time favorite male artist! I've always wanted to see him and now I will! This concert is going to be spectacular! Now I wait...


  1. I saw John Legend do a special little thang at Coachella, so worth it

  2. I can't wait! I've been wanting to see him forever!


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