Gray, Gray, Go Away!

Am I the only one in my age bracket that seems to have a ridiculous amount of gray hair? It seems like every morning I wake up to find new sprouting grays. Before I'd usually just pluck the grays away with no worries. Now it seems like I wouldn't know where to begin! Sigh, I guess I just have to accept the fact that these grays plan on sticking around. Thank God for hair dye!


  1. that'd be me. and i get them in the front for all the world to see. *sigh*

  2. Me too! What make matters worse is that I actually like my hair color right now and am not sure my stylist will be able to match it. I will be forced to dye my hair.

  3. Maybe I'm speaking too soon but I'm going to knock on wood. I'm 41 and I just got my first gray hair in October of 2010. I know, you hate me. I LOVE the fact that I don't have to worry about that. I NEVER die my hair, maybe that has something to do with it. I don't blow dry it either and I use expensive organic shampoo. I LOVE MY HAIR! It's the one thing I can be vain about because my skin SUCKS!

  4. Uy si te cres la muy muy con tu pelo sin canas :P


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