Lately I've found myself getting frustrated at work. I go through phases where I like my job, I hate my job or I'm bored with my job. I'm currently going through the frustrated/bored at work phase. Frustrated is a new one. I don't think I've ever felt so frustrated at work till now. I think I feel frustrated because there is a lot I want to do but have the worst work hours ever! I go in to work too late in the morning to do anything before and get off too late in the evening to do anything after. I'm also frustrated because I know what I want to do with my life and again work stops me. This might seem like an excuse (and maybe it is) but at this time I don't have the option of quitting. I feel stuck and it's such a terrible feeling. I want to go to school and get a degree so I can be a counselor. I also want to go to cosmetology school to be a make up artist. My heart is more in the make up field rather than counseling but, you always need a plan b. Don't get me wrong I would love nothing more than to help kids in school and help guide them in their plans for the future but, make up is just my heart. Although I was a tomboy most of my childhood, teenage and young adult life (my mother could
vouch for me) I've always loved make up. That's just something that has always called me. Well, that and acting ha! Anyway, I keep daydreaming about my future career and me finally being able to do what I love. I am in school right now taking my last G.A's so I can get my A.A and then transfer but, I really want to get my make up career started. It's been too long and I need to get my glam show on the road!
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