The T

This might be way too much information to blog about but, I figured there might be some women considering birth control options. One of my favorite classes in my life long career as a college student has been Human Sexuality. I found that class totally informative on so many levels. My teacher was fantastic and ridiculously liberal. I absolutely loved her. Many things stand out from that class. The thing I recall the most was her topic on birth control. She said she had tried them all! I sure as heck believed her. She always said birth controls pills were the worst you could take due to all the hormones. If I remember correctly she said that was probably the one with the most hormones. Don't quote me on that though, its been awhile. She suggested a few others but I think some of them are discontinued by now. The birth control method she loved and emphasized on the most was the IUD. She said it had no hormones and you didn't have to worry about taking a pill, getting a shot, wearing a patch, etc.. After having Sami I knew exactly what birth control I wanted. The IUD! Let me tell you, my teacher was right! It is the best! I absolutely love it! There are two options for the IUD. There is the 5 year and the 10 year. The 5 year has some hormones. The 10 year has none. The 5 year will cut your menstrual cycle. So you won't get a period or if you do it will be very minimal. The 10 year I've heard, can give you bad cramping and a heavy cycle. The 5 year is made out of plastic and the 10 year is made out of copper. Both are good but you if you want to go all natural, the 10 year is the one for you. Talk to your doctor so you can weigh out your options. Also, I think in order to get the IUD you need to have had a child. I find that kind of lame but, you never. Talk to your doctor and check it out.


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