It Appears My Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds
Disappointed |
This has been one of my favorite quotes for years. I've used it many times. I came to realize not too long ago that the quote really does apply to me. I tend to go off on rants about things that I hate about people. I think I'm a people hater. True story. I am easily annoyed by most and find myself with no patience to put up with their lameness.
One of the things (might be the thing that annoys me the most) I go off on rants about is people purposely misspelling words. I guess the latest trend is to look like a total moron. I don't care if it's English or Spanish that crap annoys the hell out of me! Especially when girls are trying to look all cutesy. I always wonder if they have friends and if they do why don't they say anything?? I know damn well if my friend was doing that crap I'd let her know. Yo! You look like a douche stop!
Turns out, I am a douche! I recently realized that I too purposely misspell words. I tried explaining my actions of course but bottom line was, I purposely do it. I felt so ashamed! Did I stop? No. Am I going to stop? Probably not. My friends and I have a certain manner of speaking. I'm sure most groups of people do. When text messaging or posting comments on Facebook we try to sound it out. Hence, the purpose of misspelling of words. In my defense however, I don't do that stupid lame cutesy thing that most broads try to do. I just misspell words. I guess my hypocrisy might have some bounds after all.
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