Nerd Alert!
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned to most of my friends not being too keen about Samantha's name. I didn't pick her name. Her father did. Had it been up to me she would have had some funky name. Well, not too funky, at least not for me. I always wanted to name my daughter a boy name. I always thought it was super cute. I liked Frankie and Billie. Frankie after Frank Sinatra and Billie well, for Billie Holiday. Mr.Andrade wasn't too happy with the idea. So I threw out a couple of other names. One was Gia. I first heard that name in the movie, Gia. The idea of having his daughter named after a heroin addict who slept around for a hit, didn't seem to flatter him either. Finally, my last suggestion was Serendipity. I am fully aware that its not a name its a word but, its my favorite word ever! I also love the meaning of it. Needless to say, Mr.Andrade said no.
Samantha, came about after watching an episode of Without A Trace. True story. Mr.Andrade was pointing out that Poppy Montgomery was pretty. I believe I agreed. I don't really remember. Our taste in women usually isn't on point. Anyhow, on the show Poppy's name is Samantha. He seemed to like that name a lot. I thought at first he was kidding, turned out, not so much. He was really serious about the name. I kept hoping some really super awesome name would come to me. It never did. I finally caved and agreed to Samantha. Everyone seemed to like it. I was kind of eh about it. Until two nights ago.
The night before my race (Santa Monica Classic) I had lots of thoughts going through my head. Somehow I started thinking about my T.V. Production class back in high school. We use to make videos making fun of the show Jerry Springer. Ours was called Jenny Springer being that the host was a girl. Anyway, on one of our episodes I come out as a girl whose fiance is there to confess he's cheating on her with her brother. I remember my friend and I trying to decide what name I should go by. Being that I was/am a HUGE X-Files fan we opted for Samantha. Mulder's (X-Files talk) little sister had gotten abducted by aliens and her name was Samantha! Then, it all came back to me. I remembered back in high school saying if I ever had kids, and I had a daughter, I was going to name her Samantha. After the show. I had totally forgot about it. Eleven years later, it became a reality. How crazy is that?!?! I had totally forgot about that and without knowing it became a reality. Pretty cool ay? At least I thought so.
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