Tree Huggers

This one of my favorite pics of my parents. My pops was rocking his long hair and my momma looks like a star from one those Mexican novelas. I'm not sure if they had my brother yet in this pic, I know for sure I wasn't born yet. I came in the awesome decade we call 80s.

According to my mother her and my father use to go out a lot. They would go clubbing and what not. They actually met at club through my uncle. My papi had my uncle walk over to my mami and ask her if she wanted to dance (with my dad not my uncle). My mom asked why my dad didn't come over and ask himself. My uncle said he was shy but is a really nice guy. My mother eventually caved and agreed to dance with my father. She said after that they were inseparable. My father's wooing technique included promises of infinite trips to Disneyland and flowers every weekend. She said she's still waiting for those Disneyland trips and has yet to see some flowers.

I know most kids think they're parents are awesome (I'm sure they are) and I'm no different. I think my parents are the coolest and cutest ever! I'm very fortunate to have them around and still happily together. I once asked my mom if she felt my dad was her soul mate. Her response was "Ai, no se que eso". I tried explaining to her the meaning but was having a hard time. "Mami, tu piensas que mi papi es tu alma gemala? Que nacieron para el uno y el otro?" she replied with "No se que estas tratando de decir pero, lo que si se es que tu papa y yo nos queremos mas ahora, que cuando estabamos joven".

For my non bilingual friends, what she basically said was that she feels her and my father love each other more today than back in their heyday. My eyes instantly watered and I felt like the luckiest kid in the world. I love my folks.


  1. that's so cute! you look so much like your momma.

  2. I love that story lol. My mom is very dramatic so it doesn't get old. I'm not sure if you seen The Birdcage (hopefully you have) but my mom is the female version of Albert.


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