
I know I've talked about how much Mr.Andrade does for me and Sam I am. I try not sounding repetitive but sometimes its hard. How to say thank you when thank you doesn't seem like enough? The only thing I can think of doing is expressing my feelings the best I can.

Mr.Andrade never ceases to surprise me. I've had a pretty crappy week. Heck, I'd say crappy couple of weeks! I've started to get down over the load I've been enduring. I get home and complain about it to Mr.Andrade and I know he's stressed out himself. He has a lot of new things happening at his job right now so I know he's been stressed lately. I'm sure my whining isn't helping the situation.

Today during lunch I went with my friend to the Citadel in Commerce. I hadn't gone there in quite sometime. We were pretty much window shopping and torturing ourselves. Tons of cutes stuff but no cashola to spend. I happen to come across a really cute white purse and instantly fell in love. I had mentioned to Mr.Andrade several times about wanting a white purse. Jokingly, I send him a picture of the purse with the caption "I looooove it!" not thinking anything of it. "Where did you see it?" he asked. I told him I had seen at the Guess store at the Citadel. He texted back lol. I thought he was thinking I was asking him to guess where I seen it. "I seen it at the Citadel the brand is Guess" I texted. Again with the "lol". I left it alone at that point because I wasn't sure what he was thinking.

Around 4 o'clock I get a text from Mr.Andrade saying he was outside of my job. I figured it was to switch cars. His bike is getting serviced right now and figured he needed the Orange Bang to pick it up. He said he couldn't pick it up because his brother had the paperwork and he wasn't around at the moment. He asked if I could go outside for a moment to at least say hello. Fortunately it was my break time and off I went. I went in the car and we greeted each other with our usual kiss. We're having a nice little convo talking about our day so far. "I want my purse!" spews out of my mouth. He looked at me with a huge smiled turned around and pulled out a bag. I look inside and there was my purse! I couldn't believe it! His exact words were "You've had a hard week. You deserve it." I was speechless! I didn't know what to say. I left the car walking on air and feeling very loved.

I'm still in shock over this lovely surprise. He does so many little things for me that I wouldn't even know where to begin with the stories. If I tried to I think I'd be better off changing the name of my blog to Mr.Andrade's Log rather than Sandoogans. I know me talking about Mr.Andrade's awesomeness can sound redundant but he deserves the mentioning. He's a great guy who keeps giving me reasons and things to talk about. For that I love him.


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