My Buddy & Me
Sam I Am & Her Beloved |
Sam I Am loves her Jessie doll. She can't go anywhere without her. If we're going to run an errand she'll panic "Chessie, Chessie!" and run around the house looking for beloved Jessie doll. Heaven forbid any of us do anything to her doll. Awhile back Sam was being a bratzilla and started throwing her Jessie doll at her dad. Mr.Andrade getting bothered by this, took the doll, and flung it across the room. You could have sworn it was Sam who got a closer look at the wall, then floor. She was hysterical! "Chessie! Cheessie!" was all we heard as she ran to pick up her beloved. She kept hugging and kissing it making sure she was ok. Very touching. There are times when I'm in the kitchen washing dishes and all I see is Sam I Am hugging her Jessie doll telling her she loves her. Oh, and when she watches Toy Story 2 and the scene with the Jessie song (When She Loved Me) comes on, she just hugs Jessie and kind of tears up. I guess the thought of someone being mean to her Jessie is too much for her. It's very moving and it makes me happy to see she's so affectionate. I want her to grow up knowing its ok to say I love you. I want her to know its ok to give someone a hug and a kiss. Sometimes that's all we need to cheer us up when we're having a bad day. A simple hug or a I love you can do wonders. Now she'll be able to make that little difference for someone.
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