Respect My Authoritah!

Or not. I seem to have trouble being in charge. I've known this for quite sometime. I don't like taking charge of anything. I even have trouble being captain of my own soccer team! This has caused me MANY issues with the team. The girls will come and tell me what bothers them or that they're having issues with a certain player and I tend to put it on the back burner. When I do finally say something, it comes out totally wrong. One of the girls actually quit due to one of my text messages! I guess that might be a reason why I try to avoid being in charge. I'm way too blunt. Another reason is because I don't like confrontations. I just hate the drama that comes with authority. I was having this conversation with my friend a couple of days ago. She was trying to convince me to go into management. She even offered to do my resume. I kept telling her no, no, no, no, NO! I don't want to be salary and I don't want to have to worry about people meeting their numbers and what not. I like to go home and not have to worry about the day to day b.s I put up with 10-7, 5 days a week.

So I've decided to challenge myself and attempt to learn to take charge of situations. I mean I obviously taken control of certain situations. I can't totally avoid it. Sometimes its not so bad. I shall try to be a stronger captain for my team. I might not be the best player, I might even be the worse but, I can try to be the best captain I could be. I will also stop ruling out management. I guess if I was a manager in something I loved, it wouldn't be too bad. You never know, I can turn out to be pretty bad arse. 


  1. YES! You can totally do this! It's in you but you might be afraid of your own success at something new. You just need to take that leap. In so many ways it's a leap of faith, faith in yourself.

  2. I think your right. I think I'm afraid of succeeding. I'm going to try. Easier said than done ha! No but seriously, I really am going to try.


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