

I think its fair to say that most women have one. Someone they totally confide in. Someone who they share there inner most deepest secrets with. I'm not referring to relatives or a significant other. I mean a friend. A non-relative or non boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife. Someone who you go to complain about your relatives or boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife. No matter how "perfect" your mate is we all have to vent from time to time.

Sadly, or not, I don't have a bestie. I have a handful of super close friends and plenty of acquaintances. No actual bestie. I think when it comes to friends I consider myself "single" in a way. Weird, I know. I'm just going out doing my thing not closing my options and seeing what's out there. Maybe I'll find a bestie. After all its not about how long you've known someone but rather how great of a friend they've been to you. Don't get me wrong I do open up to people. I am human and do need to vent or get some good advice from time to time. I am fortunate enough to have those few close friends who I love dearly. However, I've noticed that I go to different friends for different situations. Not opening myself fully and completely to one person. Sure there are some that that know a lot about me, more so than most but, I think there are still a few things they don't know.

I'm not saying I've never had a bestie. I've actually had quite a few. Some I still keep in touch with today. We're still close however I wouldn't call them a bestie. They're not. They're probably the ones who know the least about me today. That's not to say I don't care about them, I do. I love them but I just don't feel comfy enough to open up to them in that way anymore. Maybe if the opportunity presented itself I would but so far it hasn't.

Maybe one day I'll settle down and find myself an official bestie. I'm not against the idea at all. Some of my close friends are almost like besties. We shall see. At least I'm lucky enough to have beautiful caring friends. That's a blessing in itself.


  1. I feel sad. I want you to have a bestie and that happens like love, it just suddenly hits you...

  2. Hahaha you crack me up. I'm ok. Before it would bum me out but now not so much. I figure I can always get a cat :)


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