Run Forrest Run
A couple of weeks ago Mr. Andrade and I ran the Long Beach Run Forrest Run 5k. We did great! I felt a little bad for him though. I knew he’d be tired since he hadn’t trained and had been working mad hours. All of that didn’t seem to stop him at all. Shortly after we started the race he passed me. We both had mini goals set for this 5k. We had decided this would be our last one. We plan on moving up as far as our racing goes.
My goal for this race was simple. Run the entire 5k. I hadn’t trained as much as I would have liked this time around. I couldn’t seem to get a set routine going. Excuses I suppose. Sometimes they were, sometimes the reason were legit. Either way my goal would not and did not change. I was to run the entire 5k. My cousin Will and friend Sylvia also ran. Sylvia did the 5k with her son and my cousin ran the half marathon solo. He truly inspires me and never ceases to stop motivating me. He keeps pushing me to move forward with my running no matter how many lame excuses I throw at him.
The song to start off my race was perfect. Back in Black by AC/DC. I totally felt like Iron Man. I felt super bad arse as I proceeded my run. The scenery for this run was really cool. Well, from what I remember. I was trying to stay focused on my running and pace. My cousin’s advice to me the day before was to keep a steady pace. No matter what. Well it worked. There was a few times I felt myself trying to speed up and I would have to remind myself to save it till the end. I set up the app RunKeeper to keep me informed as far as time and distance go. Per my app I was at 2 ½ miles. When I seen that I was like “Yes!” but shortly after seeing that I see a sign marking the second mile. The only thing going through my head at the point was “Nooooooooo!” I was so proud of myself thinking I was almost done with impeccable timing. Either way I pushed myself through it. Even while the ball of my right foot was really bothering me. Again, remembering some of my cousin’s words “work through the pain” and I sure did. I was telling my foot “faq you! I’m doing this with or without you!” illogical I know considering I need my foot to run but it worked. When I seen the 3 mile mark my eyes instantly started to water. I had done it. Achieved my goal. The song that was playing as I was about to cross the finished line was Eye of the Tiger. I laughed and dashed towards the finish line. I was no longer able to hold back my tears (being the wussy that I am) and crossed with a water works show. It was great seeing Mr. Andrade at the finish line waiting for me with a hug and a smile. Very memorable day. Very memorable experience. On to the next.
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