
Showing posts from November, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for my friends. I am grateful for my health. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving week. I am blessed to say I did.

It's Been Awhile

I can't believe its going to be almost a month since I last blogged. Kind of bums me out considering I enjoy doing it so much. True, sometimes I have no idea what to talk about so I just blog gibberish but at least I'm blogging. I guess since I started going to school I find myself busier than when I was at work. I guess due to homework and what not. I also tend to hang out at my mom's quite a bit. Either way I should attempt to at least enter one entry per week. I have talked about wanting to do makeup  in the past and well, I am finally doing it! I am currently going to school to become a certified makeup artist. I almost didn't go due to financial reasons. The master course I originally wanted to take was out of my budget. I looked around and everywhere else seemed to be more expensive. I almost gave up hope but decided to give it one more look. Voila! There it was, the professional course. It was within my budget and included almost everything the master cours...

You Boys Like Mexico?

  I can't believe that its been almost a month since my trip to Guadalajara. It had been 9 years since my last visit. I can't believe I let so much time go by without taking a trip out there. My visit was super short this time around. Five days to be exact. I've never gone to Mexico for anything less than a month, but being this was a last minute trip, I was more than happy with whatever days I could get. Most of my family decided pretty much last minute (as it is accustomed in my family for some reason) that they were going to go Mexico. I literally mean last minute. The reason everyone wanted to go in October is because that's when the fiestas happen in my dad's pueblo, and the city. My parents decided they were leaving Thursday to Mexico and flew out Saturday. They would have left sooner but the was the next available flight. My uncles, aunts and cousins all did the same. I was no different. Mr.Andrade had been trying to convince me to go on th...