You Boys Like Mexico?
I can't believe that its been almost a month since my trip to Guadalajara. It had been 9 years since my last visit. I can't believe I let so much time go by without taking a trip out there. My visit was super short this time around. Five days to be exact. I've never gone to Mexico for anything less than a month, but being this was a last minute trip, I was more than happy with whatever days I could get.
Most of my family decided pretty much last minute (as it is accustomed in my family for some reason) that they were going to go Mexico. I literally mean last minute. The reason everyone wanted to go in October is because that's when the fiestas happen in my dad's pueblo, and the city. My parents decided they were leaving Thursday to Mexico and flew out Saturday. They would have left sooner but the was the next available flight. My uncles, aunts and cousins all did the same. I was no different. Mr.Andrade had been trying to convince me to go on this last minute trip so I can spend time with my family and most importantly, see my beloved Tio Negro. I had a race on Sunday as mentioned in my previous blog so I couldn't leave with my parents. I also kept going back and forth about whether or not I should go. I felt guilty leaving Mr.Andrade behind. He wouldn't be joining Sam and I on this trip due to work. They're super busy right now and there was no way he'd be able to get time off. Mr.Andrade being the awesome guy he can be, took it upon himself and booked us a flight.
Being in Mexico for five days meant no sight seeing. I wasn't there on vacation, I was there to see family. The first couple of days I stayed in my dad's pueblo San Juanito. We have a beautiful house out there, and my Tio Negro lives there. I absolutely adore that man. The next few days I spent in Guadalajara with my godparents. It was nice hanging out with them and my cousins. We went to a few stores not too many. There was heavy rain as is usual around that time. The last day in Mexico was my all time favorite. We went back to my dad's pueblo to say goodbye and to get the rest of my stuff. All the women decided we were going to take off and go have lunch. We all packed ourselves into my aunt's minivan and off we went. We went to eat at some seafood restaurant by a little lake in my dad's pueblo that I had no clue existed. It was amazing and peaceful. There was A LOT of bugs that had us screaming most of the time. It was quite hilarious. It was so nice seeing all the women chatting away, laughing, making fun of each other, just bonding. It was truly an unforgettable moment that I will always cherish. We all promised to go back next year and do lunch again. I really do hope we keep that promise, I don't think I could go another nine years without going to the motherland.
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