School Days

On a job. It was great working with these girls. The holidays have officially passed. Well, kind of. We still have New Years and then the holidays will have passed. This December is a bit more special than the previous ones for me. I am officially a certified makeup artist! Feels pretty damn good to be able to do something I've loved since I was kid. I graduated on the 23rd of this month. I still remember the first day of school very clearly. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to go to school. It was almost like a job. Monday through Friday 9-4. Due to the schedule I took a leave from work and Mr.Andrade was the one tackling on all the bills alone. As much as he said he didn't, I know he stressed. I felt terrible seeing him try to fake a smile from time to time when I knew he had a lot on his mind. I am eternally grateful to him for helping me make my dreams a reality. I make sure to tell him thank you all the time. I think he's actually getting an...