School Days

On a job.
It was great working with these girls.

The holidays have officially passed. Well, kind of. We still have New Years and then the holidays will have passed. This December is a bit more special than the previous ones for me. I am officially a certified makeup artist! Feels pretty damn good to be able to do something I've loved since I was kid. I graduated on the 23rd of this month. I still remember the first day of school very clearly.

I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to go to school. It was almost like a job. Monday through Friday 9-4. Due to the schedule I took a leave from work and Mr.Andrade was the one tackling on all the bills alone. As much as he said he didn't, I know he stressed. I felt terrible seeing him try to fake a smile from time to time when I knew he had a lot on his mind. I am eternally grateful to him for helping me make my dreams a reality. I make sure to tell him thank you all the time. I think he's actually getting annoyed by it now.

It was nice getting to meet cool people. Some not so cool. Regardless, I had a good time liking the people I did and not liking the ones I didn't. Although I will/do miss my classmates, I'm hoping I made some long lasting friendships and not seasonal ones. Some of the people in my class are truly great and I would hate to lose touch with them. I hope to work with them in our field soon. I also hope I get to see them often. I'll miss our lunch dates, our gossips around the round table (that was made for 2 people but we managed to squeeze in 5 at a time), all the laughs, ego boosters, hugs, cheesy jokes and walks to Coffee Bean during our morning break to keep us going through out the day. Here's to new memories and long lasting friendships. I love you guys.


  1. Aw......tear! I will miss you in class, but will see you when I get back from my travels. Hugs!


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