
Showing posts from January, 2012

El Mercado

People always give me a hard time for not going grocery shopping alone. Today I finally did it. Well, I should admit not by choice. Mr.Andrade is away in Korea and Sam I am ended up falling so asleep so my sister had to stay behind. I did not enjoy my trip to the grocery store one bit. It totally sucked. I felt lonely and it only made me miss Mr.Andrade more. To make matters worse when I get home I find the new neighbors being all cutesy in the laundry room. Can't wait for my beau to get back. I'm looking forward to having some brews and hot wings with him. It's one of our many things.


This is something I've wanted to blog about for sometime now. I kept going back and forth about it because I didn't want to offend anyone and I didn't want it bite me in the arse. I realized today I try to keep my blog very P.G. 13 to make sure it won't get me in trouble. Actually, I've known for awhile. Having said that I hope no one's feelings get hurt or no one gets offended with this. I love my boyfriend with all my heart and soul. I love him beyond words. There is no one I'd rather be with. Even when he annoys the hell out of me and I want to sock him in the face! Anyone who knows me would completely agree. We are boyfriend and girlfriend not husband and wife. Yes, we live together and have a daughter. We are a beautiful family but again, we are not husband and wife. When I introduce him to people I don't say this is my husband, I say this is my boyfriend. I know it sounds totally ridiculous to some but it's true. My boyfriend will say I'...

Where A Kid Could Be A Kid

Today I decided to take Sam I am to Chuck E. Cheese. I realized I had never taken her there. I'm really not sure why I haven't. I guess it just never occurred to me. Weird, I know. I wanted to take her to Disneyland originally but figured I'd change it up a bit. I feel bad sometimes because we don't go out much. I figure she's a kid and needs to roam free. With her dad away right now (he's in Korea due to work) I don't want her getting down. The first couple of nights were hard on her. She refused to go to bed without her dad being home. Now every time someone knocks on the door she screams "Papi! Papi!" to soon realize it's not her beloved dad. So now I'm trying to take her out as much as I can. Even if it's just a car ride to grandma's, a trip to the store or a random car ride to nowhere. I just don't want my kid getting down or see her momma down. Seems to have worked out just fine.

New Years

Our first New Years We are now seven days into the New Year. I love New Years. I have no clue why I just do. Maybe because it feels like a fresh start to even more greatness. I usually don't do resolutions because I really don't believe in them but this year I figured, why not? Mr.Andrade and I shared our resolutions for the new amazing year and as most people, are hoping to stick to them. This year we didn't do go out and party the way we would have liked. Mr.Andrade's back went out and the monkey virus decided to take a visit making me too ill to party. At first I was SUPER bummed but the night turned out to be quite nice. We bought a bottle of Jack Daniels and decided to ring in the new year our way, in our pjs, watching both Karate Kid movies. I still prefer the original however, I will admit Kung Fu Kid (I don't like calling it Karate Kid since it's about kung fu not karate) was alright. I had boycotted it for the longest but I figured new year, why ...