
Showing posts from April, 2012

La Target

We went on our routine Target visit last Sunday. We've decided to do our grocery shopping once a week now. So far it's worked out pretty well. It has helped save money and avoid from food going bad. On this visit Sami found a shopping cart and decided she wanted to walk around with her dad. Apparently she had a list of her own. The quality of this video isn't the best but it does the job. It's moments like these that help me appreciate all the little and big things I have in my life. I love my family.

The Most Beautiful Girl In The World

Mother, Uncle, Grandma My mom always goes on and on about how people tell her I'm pretty. That they say she/I should thank her/my lucky stars that I look like her and not my dad. I know this is making me sound ridiculously full of myself but let me clarify this is my mother speaking. What parent doesn't think their child is the most beautiful kid in the world?  I, on the other hand, don't really agree. For starters I feel I take my superstar good looks (sarcasm) after my pops. There are a few features that do resemble my mom but for the most part I look like my dad. I also scored most of his personality. Temper and all. Another thing my mom has mentioned several times is that although she was a beautiful young woman, she THINKS   I am way prettier than she was. This is a flat out lie. I wish I had half the looks my momma had at my age. She was a total stunner. I'm fortunate to have whatever I do have from her to get me by. My mom till this day is one ...

Mi Papa y Mi Abuelita

If I only I could put into words what I feel each time I see this picture. I often love to just sit there and stare and stare wondering what kind of day that must have been. Was it a last minute shoot? Had they planned for this day? Were they wearing their Sunday best? As I'm typing these questions I just realized what a moron I am. I could ask my dad! After all he's the one in the picture. This is one of the few pictures of my dad as a kid. Let alone of him with my grandma. I love how my grandma looks so happy. She looks beautiful. My dad looks innocent, awkward and handsome with his little suspenders. I so miss my grandma and her crazy ways. She use to love to party and have herself a drink, or two. I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, ay?

Signs Sam Is Growing Up

Having to buy her a new car seat. This is her 3rd one so far. Sigh, I miss my baby.