Mi Papa y Mi Abuelita

If I only I could put into words what I feel each time I see this picture. I often love to just sit there and stare and stare wondering what kind of day that must have been. Was it a last minute shoot? Had they planned for this day? Were they wearing their Sunday best? As I'm typing these questions I just realized what a moron I am. I could ask my dad! After all he's the one in the picture. This is one of the few pictures of my dad as a kid. Let alone of him with my grandma. I love how my grandma looks so happy. She looks beautiful. My dad looks innocent, awkward and handsome with his little suspenders. I so miss my grandma and her crazy ways. She use to love to party and have herself a drink, or two. I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, ay?


  1. Thank you! I get that a lot now as an adult. As a kid everyone said I looked just like my mom. When I went to Mexico in '02 with my black hair everyone said I looked exactly like her. I see some resemblance there.


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