Tricycle! Tricycle!
Sometimes it's tough being a parent. Aside the obvious things such as tantrums, yelling, not wanting to sleep in their own bed, teaching them manners, and a lot of other things I'm sure most parents can relate to. Recently I came across a new dilemma. Mean kids. I'm not saying my kid is an angel but I try to teach her to be nice to everyone. For the most part she is with the exception of her dad, uncle and godmother. She tends to beat them up. Kids however, she seems to play well with. So when I see a kid being mean to her in any way shape or form it drives me nuts. It automatically makes me pretty damn bitter. Especially if the parent fails to step in. I try to keep my cool because they are kids and naturally they will get into it but I have to admit it's not easy. I know unless it's something serious there is really no reason to say anything. In the end the kids will make up and I and the other parent would probably still be upset at each other over something that was totally insignificant.
This past weekend Sam had a busy schedule. She went on a couple of outings, a couple of parties and spend time with the family. At some of these events the kids weren't always the sweetest. In one instance one kid didn't want Sam to play with them which totally broke my heart, and in the other, the kid was refusing to share toys. Yet, was more than willing and eager to use Sam's. Needless to say it broke my heart. Sam didn't complain until one of the kid's hit her. Again nothing was said and I just left it alone and pulled Sam aside.
After having an interesting weekend her dad and I decided we were going to buy her something special. Her first tricycle. As I mentioned before in my previous blog she had pretty much learned how to ride a bike within a day. We picked her up from her abuelita's house and surprised her with her tricycle. She loved it! She was stoked about finally having her own bike. It totally made my day and my heart melt seeing her so happy.
I know kids are going to be kids. I also know once she starts school she will come across mean ones. I do worry about it but understand it's a part of life. I want my kid to be tough but sweet. In other words, I want her to be nice to those around her but know not to put up with shit. I'm sure that won't be too hard. I'm not exactly known for keeping my mouth shut.
:( I think Haley was mean to her, wasn't she? She didn't want to share the pool, right? I'm so sorry!!!! :'( I know how you feel. When Haley was her age I basically told some asshole kids at the playground to go fuck themselves when they told her to go away. It's hard to get them to understand - now, Haley seems like she jocks kids that are mean to her which drives me crazy. I just keeping taking to her, repeating myself over & over. I guess that's all you can do. I hope you guys aren't discouraged & will come back in august for Haley's bday. Also, I was so bummed b/c I made candy bags & forgot to pass them out #fail - so I Sammy some candy :)
ReplyDeleteLol it's ok they're kids. Maybe it's a phase. I know how you feel though it's hard but it's a part of growing up. We just have to make sure to teach our girls to be tough with the bullies and sweet with the nice kids. They'll get it I'm sure. You're a good momma and your girls are great. Sam had a blast at your party. She didn't want to leave. We'll see you for Haley's party as well :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, friend. You're a good momma yourself. I'm so glad there were no hard feelings & I'm happy to hear you guys will come over for Haley's bday. My friend is gonna do face painting again - yaayy!! Hope to see you soon <3
ReplyDeleteYay can't wait!
Deleteugh! mean kids piss me off. my kiddo is a gentle soul (cuando quiere!) and when he's around other kids, he gets super shy. i'll usually pull him aside (as i give the kid mean looks) and send him to play somewhere else. but seriously? heartbreak comes in fast because although i know not everyone will be my E's friend, i want him to be liked and asked to play. Sam's got a great momma that cares about these things. love the trike (especially the little bell). Oli has the pink version.
ReplyDeleteI hear ya. It is hard and tough. I too will give the stink eye to the mean kids. Hopefully this won't bother Sam and it will only make her a stronger individual. She didn't seem to mind at all to be quite honest, it was me! Thanks for your kind words :). We seen the pink one but opted for the red. We try to get Sam gender neutral stuff. Not all the time of course but for the most part.