Au'revoir Tiny Twos
It was a safari party. Sami lost her mask and had to make a new one. It was Ms.Victoria's birthday. One of the mom's surprised her with a cake She's great with the kids. One of Sam's classmates. I don't think she minded not going to Raging Waters too much. Last week Sami officially finished her Tiny Twos summer school. She loved it! They had a little party for the kids and one of the mother's surprised the teacher with a birthday cake. I wish I would have known it was her birthday I would have gotten her a little something myself. My mom and sister said Sami had a great time her last day. I wish I could have been there. At least I was able to be there via the pictures they would send via text. I, of course, was stuck at work. I don't like thinking about it because it bums me out. More and more reason to work towards my goals. Anway, Thursday the Tiny Twos crew had a field trip to Raging Waters. I'm not sure if all the ki...