
Showing posts from August, 2012

Au'revoir Tiny Twos

It was a safari party. Sami lost her mask and had to make a new one. It was Ms.Victoria's birthday. One of the mom's surprised her with a cake She's great with the kids.  One of Sam's classmates. I don't think she minded not going to Raging Waters too much. Last week Sami officially finished her Tiny Twos summer school. She loved it! They had a little party for the kids and one of the mother's surprised the teacher with a birthday cake. I wish I would have known it was her birthday I would have gotten her a little something myself. My mom and sister said Sami had a great time her last day. I wish I could have been there. At least I was able to be there via the pictures they would send via text. I, of course, was stuck at work. I don't like thinking about it because it bums me out. More and more reason to work towards my goals. Anway, Thursday the Tiny Twos crew had a field trip to Raging Waters. I'm not sure if all the ki...

I Want To Thank You, Thank You

Sometimes I let my insecurities get the best of me. I begin to second guess myself, question my decisions and abilities. Then out of nowhere someone will come out from left field and tell me how proud they are of me. How I've inspired them in one way or another and it totally blows me away. It always seems to come at the right time. When all the insecurities I mentioned are at their worst. Without knowing they will bring me up and get me out of my funk. So, thank you. Thank you for believing me in me when I sometimes don't. Thank you for being there and lifting my spirits. Thank you for being a friend. Thank you for reminding me that I'm on the right path. Thank you for reminding me to be patient. Thank you for being you. I love you. I think this song pretty much sums up how I feel. I couldn't have put it in better words myself.

Futbol Training Starts Now!

Sami had her first futbol practice this past Saturday. It was very exciting see my little girl start her training. It's fair to say she grew up watching me play futbol. We started taking her to my games when she was only 4 months old. I'm not sure if any of that stuck because she seems to have a good little kick on her. She understands that she's not suppose to touch the ball with her hands and when we roll it to her she kicks and aims pretty well. Had I known that I could put her in soccer at an earlier age I would have. She's still at a good age so I suppose it's ok. I'm hoping she'll love the sport as much as I do. All my family has played soccer so it's pretty much in her blood. Maybe she'll be the next Hope Solo. Guess we'll have to wait and see.