Au'revoir Tiny Twos

It was a safari party. Sami lost her mask and had to make a new one.

It was Ms.Victoria's birthday. One of the mom's surprised her with a cake

She's great with the kids. 

One of Sam's classmates.

I don't think she minded not going to Raging Waters too much.

Last week Sami officially finished her Tiny Twos summer school. She loved it! They had a little party for the kids and one of the mother's surprised the teacher with a birthday cake. I wish I would have known it was her birthday I would have gotten her a little something myself. My mom and sister said Sami had a great time her last day. I wish I could have been there. At least I was able to be there via the pictures they would send via text. I, of course, was stuck at work. I don't like thinking about it because it bums me out. More and more reason to work towards my goals.

Anway, Thursday the Tiny Twos crew had a field trip to Raging Waters. I'm not sure if all the kids went but I know for sure Sami didn't go. Why, because I totally blew it and didn't get her field trip tickets on time. Needless to say they ran out of room and there was no more tickets left. I was totally bummed and mad at myself for committing the ultimate fail. I know Sami didn't know there was a field trip on Thursday but I did. I tried to make it up to her by taking her to her favorite place. DISNEYLAND! I think I did a pretty good job. As usual, she had a blast AND got to see a few of her favorite characters. I love that my kid loves Disneyland. I like thinking she could say she kind of grew up there. She's been going since before she could walk or eat solid foods. Sometimes I think she's spoiled but it's nice to know we can do this for her. Also it's still free to take her so we'll see how long we'll keep our Disney trips up. It's getting kind of pricey now.


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