
Showing posts from September, 2012

Candy Land

I often think Mr. A has way more patience when it comes to playing games with Sam. I am pretty bad when it comes to playtime. I'm not sure why. I am however good at playing the mommy role. What I mean by that is bath time, feeding, putting her to sleep, etc... Mr. A isn't the best when it comes to those things (I am so in trouble when he reads this), well, maybe the feeding. I guess we balance each other pretty well. The other night I walked into Sam's room to find her and her papi playing an intense game of Candy Land. She had received it as a gift for her birthday and to be quite honest, I think her dad was more excited about playing than Sam. It was really cute to see them playing. I love seeing moments like this because they are moments Sam will remember when she grows up and they are moments we will carry in our heart. I must admit I wanted to jump in and play a game with them but had to wait till they finished. Sadly I didn't get my turn. Sam soon...

Los Dojers

I've been wanting to take Sami to a Dodger game for quite sometime now. I hadn't because I was scared for various reasons. I know plenty of parents take their kids to Dodger games but I just didn't feel quite ready. About a week ago the opportunity finally presented itself. One of Mr.A's friends was nice enough to make Sami's birthday invitations for free IF, we went to a Dodger game for him and got his son the backpack they were giving away. Sweet deal right? Only catch, we had to take Sami. They were giving the backpack to kids 12 and under which meant we had to take her. I was nervous and excited and expected to stay 2 innings minimal. My child is awesome and all that good stuff but she is also hyper and likes to run around like any kid her age.  All day we were prepping Sami telling her we were going to a baseball game. She seemed pretty excited even though she had no idea what baseball was. We get there and were all stok...