
Showing posts from October, 2012


Sami had a high fever that day. Her doctor was trying to cheer her up. We ran into our family while at Kaiser. Kaylie was going in for her check up. She had been really sick a couple of weeks ago. Glad she's doing better. I know Kaiser has gotten a bad rap these last few years but I can't seem to quit them. Each year when the benefits enrollment time comes around I always say I'm switching to PPO. I get carried away with all the perks of having PPO. Then, as usual, I always end up staying with Kaiser.  One of the reasons I think I stay is the convenience. Everything is there! I don't have to go out on a witch hunt to find certain doctors for certain things. I simply have to walk from one building to another. Pretty sweet if you ask me. I see Mr. A having to go to several different places each time he goes in for a physical. I think that's one of main reasons he lags on his check ups. Thinking about it now, I guess I can finally admit I really do like Ka...

Never Land Pirate

Looks like someone made up their mind on what they want to be for Halloween.

Run Forrest Run Part Deux!

 It was a family affair.  Proud sponsors of Team V-Dub My running buddy for this race. I think we both enjoyed it very much. This is why we love hanging with these kids. Never a dull moment. Roxanne and I crossing the finish line. I let her run in front of me. Kidding Roxanne! This past Sunday Mr. A and I had the privilege of being sponsored by Volkswagen for the Long Beach ICB Race. We had the option of choosing between the 5K, the bike tour and the half and full marathon. We opted for the 5K. It was exciting and scary. He hadn't done any physical activity in maybe a year and I hadn't run in almost 2 months. It didn't matter to us though, we were up to the challenge. My cousin Will had also won an entry to the race. Unlike us, he decided to run the half marathon. How I envy him. He's worked hard to get where he is and is an avid runner. I'd expect nothing less from my cuzzo. We were trying to win an entry for his wife but no dice. S...

Tot Time

This week marks Sami's second week of school. She has moved on from  Tiny Two's  on to Tot Time. Being that she is 3 now she had to move up. This class ranges from 3-5 year old. I was a little nervous about at it so I decided to take the day off from work to take her to school. To my surprise the new class was jammed packed. One of the mom's from Sami's previous class told me they apparently cancelled the Monday & Wednesday class (the kid's go to school twice a week) and put all the kids in the am and pm Tuesday & Thursday classes. I didn't worry about it too much because sadly after awhile, parents stop taking their kids to school. Not sure if it's because their jobs get in the way or no transportation. Whatever the reason is the classes will drastically shrink by the time they're done.  The new teachers seemed nice with the exception of 2. Since it's such a large class they had about 5 teachers in ...

Odd Ball Family

Evening ride. Man down! I realized today that my family is a bit odd. All summer not once did we do anything outdoorsy. We stayed in doors for the most part with the occasional trip to Disneyland. No bike riding or evening walks. As soon as summer was officially over we started going out for walks and finally put our beloved bike rides to use. True, we live in amazing Southern California where summer never really goes away, but still. I just find it quite silly and to be honest, I really do dig it. Most people who know me well know that I've never been one to color inside the lines. It's nice to say that my little family is the same way.