Tot Time

This week marks Sami's second week of school. She has moved on from Tiny Two's on to Tot Time. Being that she is 3 now she had to move up. This class ranges from 3-5 year old. I was a little nervous about at it so I decided to take the day off from work to take her to school.

To my surprise the new class was jammed packed. One of the mom's from Sami's previous class told me they apparently cancelled the Monday & Wednesday class (the kid's go to school twice a week) and put all the kids in the am and pm Tuesday & Thursday classes. I didn't worry about it too much because sadly after awhile, parents stop taking their kids to school. Not sure if it's because their jobs get in the way or no transportation. Whatever the reason is the classes will drastically shrink by the time they're done. 

The new teachers seemed nice with the exception of 2. Since it's such a large class they had about 5 teachers in the classroom. In Tiny Tots parents aren't allowed to stay in the room. They have to wait outside. I was a little nervous about Sami but she seemed ok about it until the end. I heard her crying along with a few other kids. There was one little girl who was crying from beginning to end. I felt so bad for her I thought she was going to start hyperventilating. Once the staff told the parents to leave the class so they can start to lecture the dad totally bailed. Most parents waited outside to keep an ear out for their kids but this dude bailed! I just kept thinking what a dick! It's his kid's first day of school and he bails. Hopefully the little girl won't hate school because of that little memory.

My mom told me Sami's did better the second time around. She cried again towards the end but not much. I hope they teach the kids a little more than the last class. My daughter knows the basics already ABC's, numbers, shapes, etc...I'm hoping they'll teach her sight words and some writing. Maybe I'm pushing her a little too much.


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