
Showing posts from November, 2012

All The Leaves Are Brown

Thanksgiving weekeng after feeling like a fat bastard I decided to take Sami for a bike ride. She rode, I walked. I had also wanted to ride my bike but didn't feel safe doing it without Mr. A around. Sami isn't a fast bike rider so, I figured walking would be just as good as riding. The point was to get out and get some form of physical activity going. I knew Sami would be happy to get out of the house. We started by walking/riding around the block. Then we made our way into the park. I had Sami follow the new path they had just finished added not too long ago. I have to admit it was quite beautiful. South Gate did a real nice job fixing up the inside of the park. There use to be a walkway only around the park never inside. Now they have the walkway, beautiful lights and even some benches a long the little route. It was so nice to see. It kind of made me feel like I was in Central Park with the brown and orange leaves on the ground, sweater w...

Darling Won't You Go & Cut Your Hair

Amanda working her magic. Here we go. She only had 3 inches cut off. No major damage. Amanda's talented hands were making Sami sleepy. She was a good little client. Pretty much what I kept asking Sami all week. I had been telling her she was going to get a hair cut for a couple of weeks now. Each time she'd say "No!" and storm off into her room. Last week the day finally came to chop off her hair. My awesome friend (and hairstylist) Amanda did me the favor of coming over and doing our hair in the privacy of our own home. I went first thinking she would change her mind after seeing mami get a trim. I was wrong. When her turn finally came around she quietly got up and went in her room. I went in to see what she was doing and found her sitting on the edge of her bed, head down, hands crossed with tears rolling down her cheek. I was a little thrown back because I didn't think it would bother her so much. I asked her what was wrong and she ...


On her way to school. Getting ready to go Trick or Treating around the park. The kids during playtime. Sami with her fellow Tinkerbell classmate. The two Tinkerbells were besties by the end of the day. Sami came to visit me at work on Halloween day. I loved it! This year finding a costume for Sami was a little more difficult than the previous ones. The main reason being is Miss Sami now tells us what she likes and doesn't like. She had first said she wanted to be a pirate . So we were pretty stoked with the idea. Then, she said she wanted to be a princess. The very thought of this would make me cringe. I know that's not stereotypical in mothers since most mother prefer their daughters to be girly. Not this mom. I pride myself when my daughter does stuff out of the norm. So when she said she wanted to be pirate, I couldn't be happier! Unfortunately, it was short lived. We flip flopped like this for most of late September and early October. In the end Sami was neither ...