Darling Won't You Go & Cut Your Hair

Amanda working her magic.
Here we go.
She only had 3 inches cut off.
No major damage.
Amanda's talented hands were making Sami sleepy.
She was a good little client.

Pretty much what I kept asking Sami all week. I had been telling her she was going to get a hair cut for a couple of weeks now. Each time she'd say "No!" and storm off into her room. Last week the day finally came to chop off her hair. My awesome friend (and hairstylist) Amanda did me the favor of coming over and doing our hair in the privacy of our own home. I went first thinking she would change her mind after seeing mami get a trim. I was wrong. When her turn finally came around she quietly got up and went in her room. I went in to see what she was doing and found her sitting on the edge of her bed, head down, hands crossed with tears rolling down her cheek. I was a little thrown back because I didn't think it would bother her so much. I asked her what was wrong and she replied "I'm sad." She said she was said because she didn't want to cut her hair. I felt a little guilty about it and decided to compromise. Originally I was going to give her a bob and donate her hair to Locks of Love. In the end I ended up giving her a trim and some bangs. This was her first official hair cut. Ever. She's never gotten a trim or a shaved head (some parents like to shave babies heads because allegedly their hair grows back thicker) or anything. It was kind of exciting and sad seeing her newborn baby hair being snipped away.


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