
Showing posts from March, 2013


Mr. A helping Sami with the Hello Kitty bike. Looks like we have a winner! The new bati-bici. A close up of the new addition.   Sami also picked her bell.  Mr. A getting her prepped for a short bike ride. His   Hers    Treksters    Sami and is all set to ride. Is officially what my family has become. Not because of Star Trek although that would be equally as cool. There is no hope for Mr. Andrade but I can still mold Sami into a Trekkie. Anyway, that's beside the point. The reason I call my family Treksters is because Sami has officially become part of Trek family! She outgrew her  tricycle  (pretty quickly might I add) so it was finally time to move her up to a big kid bike. It was bittersweet seeing my kid leaving her old bike behind. I have to admit though, it was pretty exciting seeing her pick a new one. Mr. Andrade and I have had our own Treks for quite sometime now and I absolutely love them!...

Nothing Going On But The Bomb Arse Rap Song

Righteous. I've been trying to blog for over a month now and nothing seems to come to mind. When something does come it's always at night. It's usually when I can't sleep and my mind won't quit and I'm to lazy to get up and get a paper and pen to jot down my thoughts. I'm hoping my muse will come visit me soon or will at least come at decent hours. I miss blogging. I miss typing away randomness, nonsense and awesomeness. To the few people who take the time to read my blogs (I'm guessing only my mom), fear not! I shall think of more shenanigans to write about. Scully