
Mr. A helping Sami with the Hello Kitty bike.
Looks like we have a winner!
The new bati-bici.
A close up of the new addition. 
Sami also picked her bell. 
Mr. A getting her prepped for a short bike ride.
Sami and is all set to ride.

Is officially what my family has become. Not because of Star Trek although that would be equally as cool. There is no hope for Mr. Andrade but I can still mold Sami into a Trekkie. Anyway, that's beside the point. The reason I call my family Treksters is because Sami has officially become part of Trek family! She outgrew her tricycle (pretty quickly might I add) so it was finally time to move her up to a big kid bike. It was bittersweet seeing my kid leaving her old bike behind. I have to admit though, it was pretty exciting seeing her pick a new one. Mr. Andrade and I have had our own Treks for quite sometime now and I absolutely love them! I have no idea why but I love Treks. Maybe it is subconsciously because I think of Star Trek or simply because Trek was my first official adult bike. I'm well aware they're better bikes out there but I just can't quit the Trek. Which is why I was beyond excited when I seen my daughter actually pick the it herself. There was a Hello Kitty bike at the bike shop and I was sure she'd pick that one. She tried it out but wasn't impressed. The Trek however, she didn't want to get off of. I'm looking forward to our family outings and bike rides. Luckily we don't have to wait till summer to start. We're from California, it's always sunny in California. 


  1. Treks are awesome. E picked his own Trek, so did Miguel. I'm the odd Schwinn out. Btw, Sami is too freakin' cute!

  2. We all love our Treks. Schwinns aren't bad either but I still prefer my Trek lol. Thank you! So is E. He's a handsome little guy :)


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