
Showing posts from April, 2014

Hawai'i 2014

Sami's in a great mood considering she had to wake up super early. They knocked out on their own, I didn't have to drug either of them. Dole Plantation train ride.  Throwing that shaka sign. Our daily lunch spot. I think this is, by far, my favorite picture of our  entire vacation.  Testing the waters. Don't mind the photo  bomber in the background. I love them. I'm fortunate enough to say that this is my 3rd trip to Hawai'i, and probably my favorite, so far. They all hold a special place in my heart, but this vacation just seemed perfect. It was long overdue. Sami had been doing the Hawai'i countdown since we booked our trip. We didn't do much this time around other than bum it at the beach. We skipped the luau because we had done it the previous two trips. We did the Dole Plantation and I did the maze for the first time. It was a lot of fun. Sadly the maze won us. We didn't finish it ...