
Showing posts from May, 2014

Magic, Indeed!

I got a golden ticket. A little thank you from the band.  About 2 months ago I had one of the most the amazing experiences of my life; I got to go to a Coldplay video shoot. Now, this might not seem like a big deal to some, especially if you're not a fan, but you have to understand this was no ordinary video shoot; it turned out to be a taping for a documentary. They had been announcing secret shows and what not, about trying to win tickets. Naturally, I didn't win. So when my friend told me about the video shoot, I wasn't holding my breath.  When I received the email confirming my ticket the following day, I was shocked. It took awhile to sink in. I had gone to a concert the night before and ended up going to a friend's house after for some midnight drinks. Needless to say, I was hung over and short on time. Quickly, I started messaging those who I knew were true Coldplay fans. No one was able to go last minute. I said fuck it, popped a couple of pills...