Magic, Indeed!

I got a golden ticket.

A little thank you from the band. 

About 2 months ago I had one of the most the amazing experiences of my life; I got to go to a Coldplay video shoot. Now, this might not seem like a big deal to some, especially if you're not a fan, but you have to understand this was no ordinary video shoot; it turned out to be a taping for a documentary. They had been announcing secret shows and what not, about trying to win tickets. Naturally, I didn't win. So when my friend told me about the video shoot, I wasn't holding my breath. 

When I received the email confirming my ticket the following day, I was shocked. It took awhile to sink in. I had gone to a concert the night before and ended up going to a friend's house after for some midnight drinks. Needless to say, I was hung over and short on time. Quickly, I started messaging those who I knew were true Coldplay fans. No one was able to go last minute. I said fuck it, popped a couple of pills for the hang over, jumped in the shower and made my way to see my boys. I have no problem going to places solo. Fortunately for me, I'm not known for being shy.

Sure enough, I get to the Sony Studios and begin to make line. Within a couple of minutes I started chatting it up with a couple of girls, and pretty much stayed with them for most of the time until we got into the venue. There wasn't a lot of people. The set up was small and intimate. The stage was round and set in the middle of the room. The seats were stadium like seats. No matter were you sat, you had a great view. None, however, could compare to my view.

It turned out going solo paid off. When I got to the front of the line to be seated, the girl asked how many people were in my party, I replied one. She looked at me and smiled. I'm not sure if that was a she's-a-friend-of-the-friendless smile or a I'm-about-to-make-your day smile. I'm thinking it was the latter because she made my dreams a reality. She sat me right in front of Chris Martin. Literally. We were face to face 90% of the time. As I type this, I swear I want to cry. I'm instantly being taken back to that moment. I just remember being in disbelief. I could not believe that was happening to me. I tried to take every single moment in as best as I could. We weren't allowed to take phones or cameras, so I did the best I could taking mental pictures of everything. Every band member, every moment, every joke. Everything. It was just as beautiful as are they. I got to see Coldplay, raw. They were themselves. They were real and they were seriously the sweetest guys ever. I felt like I met them, without officially meeting them. I did exchange some words with Chris and I got to make him laugh. It was magic! 

This Sunday they're going to show the mini-documentary. I'm not sure on the time but I think it's on NBC. Check it out, it will be good. And remember, every time you see Chris Martin staring at the camera, I was right below it, geeking out. For those who weren't able to make it for whatever reasons, thank you. Seriously. I don't think I would have been able to experience what I did had I had a buddy. 


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