
I can't believe I haven't blogged since July! I think this is the farthest I've gone without yapping on here. Not that anyone is missing my grammatically incorrect posts; however, for those who are (mainly my mom) I do apologize. I haven't blogged much mainly because I was either busy or lazy, I'm sure more so the latter.

A few things have happened in the last couple of months. Sami has started some new bullshit grade called "transitional kinder" and we couldn't be more pissed about it. A new law came into effect last year in California changing the cut off date from December to September. This, of course, affects Sami. It doesn't matter that we've had her in school since the age of 2 or that she knows all the crap they're teaching her, due to her age, that's where she's at. We plan on fighting this once the school year is done. Mr. Andrade and I try to work with her at home teaching her extra things. His duties are math because my math skills suck balls, and my duties are spelling and what not. She seems to be grasping both, which we're excited about.

The other thing that has gone down is that Mr. Andrade has been laid off. Sad but true. I'm still kind of in shock by it, but he seems to be taking it ok. The way I see it is he's getting a long deserved vacation. Sami couldn't be happier about it; having her Papi around is a total plus for her. She hardly got to see him and now is totally making up for lost time. He's finally getting to experience taking her to school and picking her up, helping her with homework and taking her to soccer practice. I like to tease him telling he's become a soccer dad. I told I was going to get him a sticker and all. He chuckles and says he's thought about it.

That brings me to the latest news, I officially have a job. Sad but true, haha! When Miguel got laid off I figured I had to do my part and go back to the workforce. Lucky for me it's doing what I love most: makeup! I've been freelancing for MAC for two years and absolutely love the freedom about making my own schedule. I was able to say yay or nay to hours. I still have my freelance gig at MAC but needed something more stable, so I officially have a home at makeup counter. I like it so far, can't complain. I like the people around me and I like that I get to venture out and play with other makeup brands. I also love all the gratis and discounts! Lots of little perks for doing what I love. There are some downfalls, naturally, my weekends are pretty much gone and I'm a little worried about my own business. I worked so hard to build my name and I feel like I have to place it on hold for now. I'm sure I can do both I just have to balance my schedule. My manager is pretty cool about working with my hours so I'm grateful and fortunate for that. Another downfall is that I am totally failing my math class (remember I said I totally sucked at math?). I was trying to manage everything and unfortunately wasn't able to do it. In the end, school ended suffering and yet again, I am forced to push out my graduation date a little further out. At least I'm a little closer than before, and way more motivated too.

Mr. Andrade and Sami enjoying quality time.

Sami's first day of school. 
Everyday I'm hustling. 


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