
Showing posts from 2015


My six year old and I, I swear we fight like we're sisters in our teens. It can be scary at times because she's only six and we pretty much drive each other nuts. I don't think she realizes how much she means to me and how she, and her sister, are my freaking world. I'm hoping when she's older this blog will still be around so she can read my entries about her. I'm sure it's hard for her to understand right now that my evil step-motherness is only me looking out for her best interest. I want to raise a beautiful human and is that means having to be the bad guy for a bit, so be it. Hopefully when she's older she'll appreciate it like I do with my parents now.  I love you Sami Wami, you are my world. When you were born, I was born into motherhood. You make me proud everyday, my little penguin. 

Christmas Card 2015

We use to love sending out Christmas cards each year but have backed off a bit. I'm not sure if it's because through the years we've gotten busier, or lazier, or both. Maybe next year we'll start up again but until then, happy holidays from our loved ones to yours! Wishing everyone the happiest of holidays and amazing New Year!

Party of Four

Picking up our first Christmas tree as a family of 4. It's not the best pic, or tree, but we were being rushed because they were about to close. I personally love the tree, it's our Charlie Brown Christmas tree! Christmas time! It's here! Sami and I have anxiously been awaiting for this season to arrive. I've caved a few times and let Sami break my personal tradition: no carols till after Thanksgiving. I won't lie, I didn't mind too much. This year is our first holiday as a family of 4. It feels pretty amazing celebrating with our new family member. I'm looking forward to shopping for this year's keepsake ornaments. I wanted to get a pregnancy ornament last year but opted to wait. I'll be sure to get it this year, even if it's for last year. It still counts, right? 


Emma 3 Months Old Our newest addition decided to surprise us by coming a month earlier than expected. True it wasn't by choice, but she's here and we are thrilled. It has been a bit difficult this past week. Being told that I was getting induced because it was safer for the baby outside the womb, rather than inside, having to leave the hospital without my baby, trying to keep a happy face for Sami and having to wonder when Emma will be coming home. It's hard trying to keep it together, for Mr. Andrade and myself. I've broken down a few times and keep getting paranoid about falling into a depression. I'm grateful my baby is ok, I just wish she was home with us already. She'll be a week old tomorrow and it doesn't feel like it at all. I still feel like she's a day old; I think because she's still at the hospital. I miss being pregnant so bad and I think it's because my baby is not home. I'm sure she'll be home soon it's just gettin...


One of my favorite pictures from the night. Some of the homies from my birthday bash. I would have posted more but  I think this picture looks best on its own. So I'm a tad a bit late posting my birthday shenanigans for this year, but late is better than never. This year I wasn't sure if I was going to do anything. I'm pregnant and obviously my party options are zero. I was thinking of just having a dinner and that would be that, but I was turning 35! Truth be told even if it was a random age I'd still want to celebrate. It's my birthday! I ended up having a little shindig at my friend Allie and Manuel's place. Allie totally went out of her way making handmade decorations, setting up and even buying beautiful flowers for the tables. I am beyond grateful for all the hard work and time she put in making my birthday as special as it could be; and it was. Manuel also did a great job manning the grill. His grilling skills are the best! So thanks guys for a...

You Are The Father!

Here we go. Mr. A discovering the baby boots in the bag.  Reading the pregnancy results.  The baby boots in the bag.  Reading the letter again in disbelief.  Still reading... Wiping away tears. Proof!  This past December I found out that we were going to be parents again. I was a little shocked. First person I told was my momma. I would have told Mr. A but he was away in Mexico handling family matters. I found out we were expecting the week he was scheduled to return, naturally it felt like the longest week of my life.  My mom was beyond excited and in disbelief. I was only a week late and had taken two pregnancy tests that came out positive. My mom made me go see a doctor immediately to make sure I was prego, guess she wanted it to be official before she celebrated. The doctor confirmed what I had told her all along and she was finally able to get happy, or er.  Throughout the week when Mr. A and I woul...

Father of the Game

With Dodger season (finally) approaching and Sami constantly asking, "When are we going to another Dodger game?" Proud mama, I am. I thought it would be nice to talk about one of the games we went to last season. Mr. Andrade was picked as one of the few dads for "Father of the Game." I'm not sure how many entires there was, but the lady told us there was quite a few. I felt it was quite appropriate because he is an amazing father. He does so much for Sami (and me) a lot of things that I'd rather not do. He takes the time to play with her, takes her to fĂştbol practice, and has recently started doing story time with her. I seriously don't do most of these things. It's no wonder half the time she'd rather roll deep with her dad than with me. She says that's her "buddy." I don't know how he finds the patience and time, but somehow he does. I'm very fortunate and grateful to have him in my life and as far as I...